Good news or bad news first?
Since this blog is a tale of our bambinos, I'll start with the good news...The bambinos have been doing great!!!!
They are 8 weeks and 1 day old :) The size of raspberries.
Our last u/s last week showed strong heartbeats and perfect growth - yay!!
In 2 days we go back again for another u/s and it cannot come soon enough! Over anxious to see their heart beats and check up on them again...I'll be sure to update with an 8 week 3 day pic after the appt.
On the OHSS front - all has been calm - PAIN FREE for about 48 hours now and no pain meds yay
It is nice to get back to only taking the pills (prenatals, folic acid, etc) that I am taking to help these babies!!!
We have shared our news with more of our family and it is so amazing to bring such great news esp when we have some sad news that follows...
It appears that we are going to have to say goodbye soon to our beloved G. Our Grandmom and the strong matriarch of our family. She has been in the hospital over a week now which was very, very tough when I was sick and in a different hospital because I could not see her for a few days but I have been lucky to spend the past 5 days by her side. It does not appear that she will be getting any better so we will be starting hospice soon. It is always hard to lose someone you love but for some reason it is even harder with G.
She is such an amazing lady. Smart as all hell and sarcastic to boot.
We do plan on using G's maiden name of Grier in one of our bambinos names....which is a tribute to her that I know she would be honored by.
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