Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Plan for #4

Here we are again....gearing up for another IUI! 

Still sad and having trouble moving past the failed 3rd IUI however .... all wonderful things take time! and patience! and faith! All that we do have...granted we need reminders at times but overall, we are holding strong! 

I will be on Clomid for CD's 4-8. Taking 5 pills a day for cycle days 4,5, and 6 and 4 pills for cycle days 7 and 8. That is the highest dose I have ever been on and I am all for trying new techniques - but those hot flashes (luckily my ONLY side effect of Clomid) will be stroooooong! 

First u/s and blood-work will be on November 9th which is cycle day 11 - slightly early but doc wants to be sure he does not miss this ovulation. 
I bet we will be back in on Sunday the 11th - cycle day 13 for u/s and blood-work then possible IUI depending on how the follies are doing....

Outside of our bambino journey, we survived the hurricane! Guinness and some delic potato leek soup helped us through! Thinking of all of those who lost their homes and lives....

We are heading to the mountains this weekend for some time around the campfire, delic food, and great company!

Kickin off the next step of this journey with excitement and high hopes!! xx

Monday, October 29, 2012


2 weeks post IUI...took a HPT...got that Big F&$%in Negative.

I went to the wifey with suggestions of lets get a second opinion from a different doctor....let's try something new...
She has given me hope that this was only our 3rd try and these things take time...
So here we are onto try #4 and if this once is unsuccessful, we will move on to get a second opinion from another fertility doc...

Such a journey this is.....

I am overwhelmed with feeling sorry for myself and sad that this time did not work...but still hopeful...and I know that all things take time.
Deep breath. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

6 days post IUI

Well, here we are 6 days post IUI and I do have to say that I wish I was feeling different...feeling something...ANYTHING! 

I feel 100000% normal as always. I know this does not necessarily mean that our IUI was unsuccessful but it is easy to get discouraged..

Just need to keep on keepin on and hope for the best...

I am in FL this week with family and we are doing the whole Disney World thaaang and I cannot help but keep hoping that one day SOON instead of coming here as an Aunt (which I LOVE doing) that I will be here with my children....Such a journey this is to get to that place.....

Sending out positive wishes to everyone who is on this journey!!!


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Off to FL.

I'm heading out of town for the next week which is a welcomed break. I will have to wait to test until I return on the 28th to see if this IUI is successful.

Will be hoping and wishing and praying nonstop that we get some sign that this time is THE one! 

I'm leaving the wifey at home with our furbabies - going to miss her so much!!! 

I'll update as soon as back HOPEFULLY with amazing news


Thursday, October 18, 2012


After doing probably TOO much reading online, I have been increasing my make-me-fertile-foods over the past while in particular - BROCCOLI. 

I do love this tree shaped vegetable and so far this week I have eaten it everyday and plan on keeping that going but holy hell - am I SO SICK of it or what!??!   

I ate so much broccoli 2 nights ago that I almost did not have enough room left to eat a bowl of vanilla bean ice cream. Don't worry I soldiered on and enjoyed a huge bowl but still the broccoli is filling me up! 

This is all worth it in the journey of making our lil bambino :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Quick thoughts.

Even though we are only 1 day post IUI I still cannot stop thinking about you! I am hoping nonstop that this time is successful! More than I can say! I am so excited and anxious to move to the next phase of this journey of making you.
Your other Mommy has been amazing to me - making sure I am warm and comfy and cooking delicious dinners :) We both are so excited for you....
wishing and hoping nonstop!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tres x2

After my post yesterday I got a call from our doc and he said to come in for another IUI to increase our chances. So bright and early this morning - off we went back to the fertility clinic for another IUI. 

Timing was perfect - as soon as we arrived, we had another u/s and it showed I have ovulated already - yay! Sometime between 9am Monday and 8am Tuesday I ovulated. We had 1 IUI at 9am Monday and the next at 8am Tuesday. Cryogenic sperm lives approx 24 hours and the egg is fertile for approx 24 hours SO fingers crossed!! 
Praying for our positive! 

I also got acupuncture this month before both IUI's. Hoping that this will increase blood flow to the uterus and help our chances of getting our BFP!

This time was extra special because he asked Erin to inject the specimen - very cool for both of us :)

I'll definitely update as we proceed and spend the next few weeks waiting and praying!!


Monday, October 15, 2012


This morning we had our 3rd IUI.
All was timed perfectly...I was ovulating pretty much as the IUI was happening.

Now we wait....

Will take a test in 2 weeks-ish.....We know how hard waiting the full 2 weeks can be!

Doc has my on progesterone for the next week and that makes the girls sore but it is well worth it on this journey!

Praying and hoping nonstop that this month its our turn to move into the next step of this journey....

Outside of praying for our bambino we are busy w/ family weddings, work, school work, and life - all good stuff :) Hoping to add a bambino to our mix soon :)

I am psyched for the cooler weather that is approaching. LOVE the fall and snow in the winter and snowboarding - but hopefully this year I'll be sidelined :)

However you pray - please pray that this IUI is successful and puts us further on the path of being parents!

Wishing and Hoping nonstop....


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Here we goooooo

Welp - Doc appt yesterday was great - slightly early as suspected - back tomorrow for another u/s and BW to see if I am surging - if I am, IUI immediately - if not, IUI Monday morning. Such a journey this is! 

Erin and I have been having great times going out to dinners and enjoying life - it's been a blast and we are hoping to add our lil bambino to the mix asap. While this journey is tasking on us - both mentally and financially - we are staying as optimistic as possible and hoping for the best!!  with the best being a successful IUI in the near future followed by the miracle of a bambino :)

Will update after tomorrow....fingers crossed and positive thoughts!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Well here we are waiting for try #3. I am trying to think optimistic that this will not just be a try - but will be the time that WORKS!
Doc appt is 2 days away. 
Acupuncture tomorrow night to prep...
At doc appt we will have u/s to check on follies and blood-work....IUI will be soon after..probably Sunday or Monday.
I am hoping and wishing for you more than ever....I suppose with each failed IUI (2) the desire gets even stronger. 
Unfortunately, so does the why me's?/frustrations/sadness BUT thinking positive that this will work and soon we will be expecting our lil bambino. 
Just stopped by to check in...I will update after appt Friday...
positive thoughts nonstop...happy thoughts nonstop...hopeful thoughts nonstop...

Monday, October 1, 2012

Onto try #3....

Much to our surprise...this IUI failed and AF showed up today. So here we go onto try #3....will be starting clomid on day 3 and appt on the 12th with IUI soon after....

still hoping nonstop. this really is quite a roller-coaster ride. while we know there are no guarantees - our hopes are still up every month. particularly this last month as even the doctors and nurses were so convinced it would take.....but taking it in strides ... moving forward and hoping and praying nonstop....

I think this month its time to buckle down and focus 100% on this....I always eat veggies and eat pretty decent but maybe its time to up that and stop the drinking....and just focus on this.....because its what I/we want more than anything....

still thinking about you and cant wait to meet you .......